Audits, marketing, VC intros: How F1V team helps startups with operations, growth

Audits, marketing, VC intros: How F1V team helps startups with operations, growth

By Ksenia Novikova, head of operations at F1V

This is not a threat: After Fyer One Ventures invests in a new startup, I’m the first person they meet.

We talk with the founder to set company goals and see how our operations team or network can assist, either hands-on or as advisors. The result: A benchmark analysis with metrics to focus on and a roadmap with specific steps to help the startup secure new funding, gain more clients, reduce burn, or achieve other objectives.

This isn't just for new investments: Any portfolio startup can reach out for assistance with operations and growth. In this area, F1V regularly works with about 10 companies and has already helped over 30.

Operations audits

Initially, I create a document with data and specific benchmarks that shed light on the metrics a particular company should improve to raise new funding and achieve other goals.

To help startups improve internal processes and optimize spending, I create a map in Miro detailing their operations, specialists, and responsibilities. This map reveals areas where the startup may need to reorganize its team: hire new talent, or rearrange workflows.

I check if teams set goals properly and if each member understands their role in achieving the company's OKRs, KPIs, and improving North Star metric.

I advise on aligning company teams and creating an open environment for new ideas and initiatives. For instance, I ask founders if they hold regular all-hands meetings and share how to make them efficient. Typically held weekly or bi-weekly, these meetings include updates from team leads and should involve all team members.

These calls help marketing, sales, and product teams sync, improving their cooperation, which is crucial for startups. Bottlenecks here can stall progress.

Marketing, sales, and product boost

Marketing and sales are key channels of lead generation for our portcos, which is why we’re helping in these areas as much as possible.

Marketing. We usually start with an audit of Google Ads and social media ad accounts. Based on it, we help teams address traction issues and assist in setting up a creative factory.

Sales. We help to build sales operations and find new funnels, usually by engaging an expert from the F1V network.

Product. We help improve product traction in different niches through product analytics audits, testing new approaches, and finding new ways of monetization. For example, this might involve increasing the conversion rate from trial to paid subscription.

Intros & networks

Sometimes our portfolio companies need warm intros or specific contacts to drive their businesses or raise new funding. We are happy to help, as our team knows many great investors, startups, and experts in Europe.

For example, we can help them connect with potential partners, clients, or niche experts. We’ve recently connected our portfolio startup with a potential big client in Europe as they are scaling into new markets.

To match a startup that’s raising a new round with potential investors, we usually do intros to our friendly funds that could be relevant to this company.

Ad-hoc support

Details matter. At a startup, small improvements in the product or team comms can make a big difference. That’s why the F1V operations team assists startups with various processes they need help with.

Here are some of the most common services we offer: pitch deck improvement, financial planning, and setting up complex team processes (like managing teacher operations at an edtech startup).

At F1V, we aim to be as helpful as possible, often managing multiple requests at once for a startup.

Case #1: We helped a portfolio company find a new target audience and test sales funnels, cutting CAC by 30% and boosting LTV. We also calculated unit economics and introduced them to several VCs.

Case #2: For a year, we’ve worked with All Right, an online language school for kids. Together with the startup team, we transformed its marketing unit, found a new sales funnel, and increased conversion from trial lessons to paid subscriptions.

Case #3: We re-planned marketing and forecasted costs for a startup, preventing big cash burn. We also helped resolve communication issues between their marketing and product teams.

By helping our portfolio startups, we are trying to boost their own teams. We also keep an eye on how different industries and markets work.

If you are an F1V portfolio startup and need guidance with your operations and growth, email me at or ping me on LinkedIn.

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