Get ready for 2024 with these 10 hiring trends in the United States, Ukraine and LATAM

Get ready for 2024 with these 10 hiring trends in the United States, Ukraine and LATAM

By Anastasiia Kuzmenko, head of talent acquisition at F1V

The in-house talent acquisition team at Flyer One Ventures is constantly seeking top tech and non-tech specialists for the firm’s portfolio companies worldwide.

We've compiled key recruiting trends that startups should take notice of to acquire their ideal candidates in 2024.

Trend #1

Providing a great recruiting experience for candidates was a trend in 2023, and it will continue in 2024. According to a survey conducted by the F1V talent acquisition team, candidates' interactions with both recruiters and hiring managers directly impact their decision to accept a job offer.

Trend #2

Compared to previous years, candidates are now more willing to complete test tasks, considering them as a way to demonstrate their expertise.

Trend #3

Despite the job market being shaken by massive layoffs in the first half of 2023, acquiring strong senior or C-level executives is still hard. Finding the perfect fit for early-stage startups remains challenging too, increasing the time recruiters spend to fill the the vacancies.

Trend #4

Hiring people from around the world is becoming more popular. Companies that only hire in one place might miss out on talented individuals compared to those with offices in different locations.

Trend #5

In the United States, candidates tend to drop out if there are more than 3 interview steps, while Ukrainian applicants usually persist through 5-6 hiring stages. Also, Ukrainians are eager to take on more responsibilities, being high-performing and more flexible in fast-paced environments.

Trend #6

While the LATAM market is booming and salaries are slightly rising, candidates' English skills remain mediocre.

Trend #7

Comparing markets in the US, LATAM and Ukraine, candidates in the United States tend to prepare for interviews better by researching the company and tech stack. Job seekers in the U.S. and LATAM generally showcase better soft skills than Ukrainians. However, Ukrainian candidates have a stronger product and technical background.

Trend #8

Despite global downsizing in 2023, there is an uptick in profit-generating positions. This trend is particularly noticeable in areas such as sales and marketing, where higher salary ranges are becoming more prevalent.

Trend #9

Outsourcing is dying, while product is hiring. Currently, many companies are seeking specialists with expertise in product development.

Trend #10

Remote and flexible work options remain some of the most desirable perks for potential employees.

Anastasiia Kuzmenko is the head of the talent acquisition team at Flyer One Ventures.

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