By Denys Krasnikov, head of PR at F1V
ChatGPT can help you get more productive at work. It can offer personalized suggestions and guidance on crafting emails, brainstorming, writing, and even preparing for a job interview.
Here are some of the ChatGPT prompts that the F1V team started to use to be more efficient at work.
Writing emails
ChatGPT can help you write personal emails, which is especially helpful if English isn't your first language.
Prompt: Write an email to an investor, asking to set a Zoom call for 11 a.m. EST, March 30.
Usually, ChatGPT would suggest a subject line, but you can also ask it to make it different or more personalized. Just add more details about what you want to include in it and ask it to suggest several options.
You can also write emails for marketing purposes.
Prompt: Write a welcome letter for a new subscriber to my newsletter.
Tip: ChatGPT can be quite wordy and abstract, so make sure you revise and edit its answer. You can also choose the tone of voice you’d like to use in your emails: friendly, formal, informal, assertive, persuasive, etc.
You can use ChatGPT to generate new ideas for your business, content topics, or even possible names for a company or its new feature.
Prompt: What are some innovative ideas to grow my business? Suggest 10 ideas that I can use (for what). Prioritize ideas that are uncommon or novel.
The AI can also help with a content plan for social media, YouTube, blog posts, etc.
Prompt: Give me 5 video ideas for a YouTube channel for parents of babies under 1 yo that can potentially reach 1 million views.
Prompt 2: I have a YouTube channel for parents of babies under 1 yo. How can I name it? (It suggested: Baby Basics, Tiny Tots, Baby Talk, and First Year Parenting.)
You can also use it to “consult” famous people in your field to get an opinion. It could be Steve Jobs or even Nelson Mandela.
Prompt: Here’s an argument or opinion of mine. I want you to criticize it as if you were (person).
Tip: Give ChatGPT more details about your business and what you want to achieve. The more info you add, the more tailored the answer will be. If you have an idea or an argument but are not sure how to prove it, feed it to ChatGPT and ask it to give statistics or facts that help prove your point (fact-check the answer).
Creative writing
ChatGPT can help you create content for your website, blog, or social media.
Prompt: Write a 500-word story for (platform). Topic: (Top 10 marketing trends for 2023). Audience: (Startup founders in CEE). Writing style: (Clean, concise, conversational, logical).
You can also make ChatGPT write like you. Just send it your text and add, "Analyze the writing style and write about (topic) as the above author would write. Possible headline: (headline)."
For now, listicles seem to be the best format in which ChatGPT can write well. It’s also good at writing descriptions for products, various intros and summaries.
If you already have a text written, you can ask ChatGPT to shorten, proofread or edit it. For a better result, specify how you want it to be edited. It can be a simple “make it more concise” or something like the one below.
Prompt: Slightly edit this text, keeping the author’s style. Keep the paragraphs divided like they are right now. Use simple words.
To preserve the author's style, it's better to use ChatGPT to edit the text paragraph by paragraph.
Ask ChatGPT to translate the text you have written. The result will be more accurate than if you do that using Google Translate.
You can also ask ChatGPT to suggest headline options.
Prompt: Here’s a headline I have: (headline). Suggest 5 more options from a more conservative, newspaper-style headline to a bolder one.
Tip: Asking ChatGPT to regenerate its response if you don’t like it; edit responses. Add more detail to your requests: the more specific your instructions are, the better ChatGPT will write.
Preparing for job interviews
ChatGPT can help prepare for a job interview in a variety of ways. One of them is to ask it to be an interviewer and ask questions one by one. This can help both a candidate and an interviewer (or recruiter) to prepare.
Prompt: I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and you will ask me the interview questions for the (social media manager) position. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conversation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. My first sentence is "Hi."
Tip: After the interview, ask ChatGPT to give personalized recommendations on how to improve your responses.
Using ChatGPT instead of Google, dictionaries
ChatGPT can provide you with answers that are more accurate than Google Search results. And since it’s a chat, you can ask it clarifying questions to get a more concrete answer.
And while, in contrast to Google, ChatGPT has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021, it’s still better at explaining things.
Prompt: How does quantum computing work? Or something like: What are the most important things a startup founder should know about their potential investor?
Tip: If you want something to be explained in simpler words, write: “Explain it as if I’m 11 years old”; or “Explain it to me in the simplest way possible.”
It can also substitute dictionaries or thesauruses, which is especially useful for non-native English speakers.
Prompt: We are very excited to announce this investment round. Suggest 5 synonyms or phrases that can help avoid "very" in this sentence.
Prompt 2: PnL. Give me an example of using this term in a sentence.
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